Hey! We're VeryFun Studio |
We make VeryCool things like Websites
(like this one you’re on now, or this one!)
and ActuallyReadable Magazines

We draw our own VerySick Illustrations

build brands from scratch

or redo other peoples VeryUgly Mistakes

We make VeryStriking visual campaigns for some of the largest brands in the world

and music videos for some VeryTalented Artists

We also help run a manufacturing company in LA that produces ethically sustainable clothing

and make our own clothes

and clothes for some other VeryNotable brands

With the growth rate of voice-user interfaces, I was intrigued by how confidence in personalities like Alexa or Siri was expressed.That's why I decided to use Google's voice recognition technology to create a web page that presents the level of confidence of a "software".When the user speaks up, if the "software" is fully confident that it has understood his words, it will write it in the yellow color. If it is not sure, it will write it in the blue color, so that eventually a color distribution of the software confidence level is obtained.
There is arguably no need for any new typefaces and perhaps more excitement is gained from hacking and rearranging existing ones. I rearranged the glyphs of an existing typeface, using kerning and baseline shift, then recreating from the original glyphs file, to create alternative lower case letters. Using Neue Haas Grotesk allowed for a really interesting contrast between the original letter forms and the angular, sharp, off-kilter ones created from the glyphs.